
Anna’s Archive 是一个非盈利性的开源搜索引擎,专门用于搜索“影子图书馆”,由 Anna 建立,她认为需要有一个中心化的平台来搜索书籍、论文、漫画、杂志和其他文件。


请在推特或 Reddit 上关注Anna,了解本项目最新进展。如有问题和反馈,请通过邮件 AnnaArchivist@​proton.​me 联系 Anna。

如果你有正当的 DMCA 投诉请求,请参阅页面底部,或通过 AnnaDMCA@​proton.​me 联系我们。


1. 在推特或 Reddit 上面关注我们。
2. 在抖音(Tiktok)、推特、Reddit、Ins 等网站上,在您当地的咖啡馆或图书馆里,随处都可以宣传 Anna’s Archive !我们反对闭门造车——如果我们被查封了,我们会在其他地方重新出现,因为我们所有的代码和数据都是完全开源的。
3. 如果力所能及,请考虑捐款。
4. 帮我们将网站翻译到多种语言。
5. 如果你是软件工程师, 请考虑为我们的开源代码添砖加瓦,或者使用 BT 和 IPFS 做种。

Progress bar

The progress bar on the home page is currently not meaningful. We don't know how many unique editions we actually have in shadow libraries (vs how many duplicates), nor do we know how many books there are in the world. And humanity’s written heritage extends beyond just books — especially nowadays. But we aspire to figure out those numbers, as well as expand beyond books. Hopefully we can fill in this progress bar with real data in the future.

For now, the progress bar highlights our ambition and philosophy. We hope to inspire you to join us on this mission.


Anna’s Blog, Twitter, Reddit, Subreddit — regular updates
Anna’s Software — our open source code
Translate on Anna’s Software — our translation system
Datasets — about the data
annas-archive.org & annas-archive.gs — alternative domains
Wikipedia — more about us (please help keep this page updated, or create one for your own language!)
Content complaints

We do not host any copyrighted materials here. We are a search engine, and as such only index metadata that is already publicly available. When downloading from these external sources, we would suggest to check the laws in your jurisdiction with respect to what is allowed. We are not responsible for content hosted by others.

If you have complaints about what you see on here, your best bet is to contact the original website. We regularly pull their changes into our database. If you really do think you have a valid DMCA complaint we should respond to, please fill out the DMCA / Copyright claim form. We take your complaints seriously, and will get back to you as soon as possible.





本站商娱网提供的安娜的档案都来源于网络,不保证外部链接的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由商娱网实际控制,在2023年4月26日 17:39收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规,可以直接联系网站管理员进行删除,商娱网不承担任何责任。

